Table of contents
  1. Overall Timeline
  2. Schedule, Videos and Materials
  3. Deadlines
  4. Viva Dates
  5. Principles and Independent Learning Objectives (ILOs)
  6. Teams Channel

Overall Timeline

The projects unit will run in three phases:

  • TB1 You will find a supervisor and decide on a project.
  • TB2 You will execute your project and write up a dissertation.
  • Summer Assessment Period We will assess your project by reading the dissertation and holding an oral exam (viva).

Schedule, Videos and Materials

Date Time Title Location Slides/Recording
12/09/24 13:00 Project Introduction in Returners Talks M&CS MVB 1.08 slides, recording
12/09/24 14:00 Project Introduction in Returners Talks CS MVB 1.11a slides, recording (only the second half was recorded, please see the M&CS for the start)
23/09/24 10:00 Projects Q&A padlet link Biomedical Building E29 Recording
23/09/24 11:00 Projects spreadsheet released Spreadsheet  
30/09/24 10:00 Projects Q&A padlet link Geography 1.1S PEEL Recording
02/10/24 14:00 Matching Day Bill Brown Suite  
13/01/25 13:00 TB2 Project Kick-off Queens Building 1.15 slides, recording
16/01/25 13:00 Projects Q&A padlet link Queens Building 1.15 recording
20/01/25 online Ethics Lecture Online Lecture Lecture
20/01/25 13:00 Library Workshop Queens Building 1.15 slides, recording
23/01/25 13:00 Projects Q&A Queens Building 1.15  
05/02/25 14:00 Testathon MVB 2.11  
28/02/25 14:00 Project Writing Retreat Wills Reception Room  
04/03/25 15:00 Project Poster Workshop Queens Building 1.07  
05/03/25 14:00 Testathon MVB 2.11  
* * CALD Writing Workshops *  
28/02/25 14:00 Project Writing Retreat Queen’s Building 1.07  
* * CALD Writing Workshops *  
02/04/25 14:00 Poster Day Bill Brown Suite  

* CALD Writing Workshops will be added to your timetable.


Deadline Date Time
All students Supervisor confirmation via form 18/10/24 17:00
All students Ethics quiz completed 03/02/25 13:00
CS+Maths 4th Year Presentation 27/02/25 14:00
CS 4th Year Innovation Case 13/02/25 13:00
All students Dissertation Deadline 28/04/25 13:00
All students Viva Dates 13/05/25 & 14/05/25 **

** Viva times will be individual per student and confirmed in TB2.

Viva Dates

Most vivas will be held on the 13th and 14th May 2025 in Bristol. Treat these dates as an exam, i.e. you should be free for these dates. Because of staff availability, a small number of vivas will be held outside these dates, so you MUST be in Bristol for the full summer assessment period, 28th April to 16th May 2025.

Note that vivas are being planned to be in-person.

Principles and Independent Learning Objectives (ILOs)

You should bear in mind the following three principles whilst completing your project:

  1. You will be performing self-directed, independent work. You are responsible for every part of the project from planning, execution and submission. It is your project.
  2. You will be working on an in-depth, challenging project. Your supervisor will ensure that the project is appropriate and relevant.
  3. You will need to demonstrate the ILOs which have been designed to match graduate Computer Science Jobs:
    • Demonstrate understanding of research-level material
    • Identify a well-motivated, scientifically interesting challenge.
    • Engage in a suitable approach to solving said challenge.
    • Critically evaluate your solution in a suitable manner.
    • Present your results in written and verbal form.
    • Manage your own time, and decide your own objectives.

Teams Channel

You can find a link to the teams channel for the unit here.

If you don’t have access, contact Mike and Sarah.